The Row Fall 2010
When I learned about Mary-Kate and Ashley's brand I only imagined it like the them: Infinitely stylish, completely mesmerizing, very boho-chic, basically AMAZING.
Well that isn't exactly what I saw, and I must say I'm quite surprised the line didn't turn out to be more vintage-hippie inspired like Nicole Richie's first collection of Winter Kate:
My first impression was ' an all black outfit ? yeahhh I love black, this collection is going to be awesome!' well it's true I love the black and the simplicity and elegance of it, but it just feels like it's bit too much of that and not enough of something else.
Quand j'ai appris que Mary-Kate et Ashley avaient crées une marque de vêtement, je me l'a suis tout de suite imaginée à leur image: Juste si cool, un style exemplaire qui inspire tant, très boho-chic, tout simplement INCROYABLE.
Et ben ce n'est pas exactement ce que j'ai vu, je dois dire que je m'attendais à ce qu'elle soit beaucoup plus inspirée d'un côté vintage-hippie comme la première collection de Nicole Richie.
Ma première impression était: ' une tenue toute noire ? Géniiiaaalle j'adore le noir, cette ligne va être canon!' c'est vrai que j'aime le noir et sa simplicité et élégance mais ça manquait de quelque chose.

And it's a shame because the few pieces which aren't black are absolutely gorgeous:
Et c'est dommage car les quelques pieces qui ne sont pas noirs sont tellement jolies:
In those two outfits they've tried to do a really edgy kind of cut, personally I don't like it and just find it weird, a bit disturbing...:
Dans ces deux tenues, les filles ont appliquées des coupes originales qui personnellement ne me plaisent pas, je les trouve un peu trop bizarres, perturbants...:
My conclusion would be that I would want to wear individually nearly every item from here but then when you see the whole collection together, it's a bit boring.
Ma conclusion serait que individuellement les vêtement sont géniaux mais quand on regarde la collection dans l'ensemble, elle a juste l'air un peu ennuyante.

Maybe because of my love for black, maybe because of my love for the Olsens, at the end of the day I realize I can't help but actually like this collection and admit sometimes simple is the chicest .
What do you think ?
Peut-être que c'est à cause de mon amour pour le noir ou de mon admiration pour les Olsen, mais j'aime bien tout de même ces créations et je dois admettre que quelque fois plus c'est simple plus c'est chic.
Qu'en pensez-vous ?
It really looks good...I like the pants a lot:) And the white dress is cute too,dont you think?
ReplyDeleteKisses sweetie
I do love the dresses but for fall is seems a bit boring.. idunno, maybe its just me who loves warms reds and oranges browns and muaves
ReplyDeleteI can see the Olsens in every part of this collection :)
ReplyDeleteje trouve que c'est bof bof alors que j'adore les looks de ces filles
ReplyDeleteOoh love it! such pretty dresses :D
Soooo nice.
ReplyDeleteIt was one of my favorite collections and I love how classic they are! You can wear them forever and still look stylish! xoxoxoxoo
ReplyDeletethat is interesting to see! it's definitely not what I would have expected at all....but you're right, they are charming so they are hard not to like :)
ReplyDeleteJ'aime beaucoup les créations, mais c'est vrai que ça tourne un peu à l'ennui, mais j'admire énormément les soeurs olsen alors je ne peux pas de pas aimer leur collection!:)
ReplyDeleteLike your blog, looks very cool!
ReplyDeleteThose sandals at The Row show are FABULOUS!
I really like it, very Olsen-esque!SarahD:)
ReplyDeleteI like it, but it's nothing special.
ReplyDeleteJe suis bien d'accord! Connais tu la deuxieme marque des soeurs Olsen "Elizabeth and James" ? j'adore les coupes, c'est chic et casual! J'ai d'ailleur profité des soldes pour m'acheter quelques pièces phares héhé ;)
great black outfit i lieke them
ReplyDeletei like black color nice collection dear
C'est vrai qu'on aurait pu s'attendre à y a un grand manque d'originalité à mon goût. A choisir, je prendrais la robe d'un ton bleu ardoise, qui est un peu plus travaillée que le reste. Bref, ça manque de punch !
ReplyDeleteMinimalist chic. I like it.
ReplyDeleteSuch a pretty dresses ;O
ReplyDeletelove one of the blacks one!
Please comment!
Je ne suis pas fan de toute la collection, mais par contre, j'aime bcp les 4 premières tenues: bohème chic, tissu léger, fluide et soyeux, et noir (tjs classe quoi qu'il arrive): tout à fait l'image de ces 2 soeurs!!
ReplyDeletei agree C! not really a fan of the collection :/
ReplyDelete☆ definitely, maybe
ReplyDeletereally nice in my opinion...:):)
Ca reste simple mais beau. Dommage qu'il y ait beaucoup de noir!(parce que du coup, on visualise mal les pièces)
(merci pour tes commentaires! :) )
this looks very nice! love it x
ReplyDeleteC'était un de mes défilés coup de coeur de la NYC fashion week!! j'adore ! toutes leurs pieces!!
Nothing special but I like it!
ReplyDeleteI think they're not too attention grabbing like some runway shows. These pieces are more wearable and practical i think. (: A little masculine feel, and simplicity is beautiful too! :D
ReplyDeleteI kinda like this, collection, thanks so much for sharing!
For me it feels like they tried too much to be elegant and it became surprising - because everyone were waiting for something different.
ReplyDeletehowever - those outfits are still very good.
Eh bien je ne partage pas ton avis, j'aime notamment beaucoup le manteau ceinturé du bas! Mais peut-être est-ce ma passion pour MK aussi...
ReplyDeleteJe suis d'accord avec toi, rien de bien transcendant, faut voir la prochaine peut-être..
ReplyDeleteI have no insight except that I love that blue dress. I would definitely wear it.
ReplyDeletethis is an amazing collection.. these girls are doing a very well job.
ReplyDeleteJ'aime beaucoup certains looks, mais pas tout! Enfin, on voit plus leur personnalité que dans leur ancienne marque très "bubble gum" pour petites filles où elles mettaient juste marykateandashley sur des fringues. (y)
ReplyDeleteJ'espère que le prochain article te plaira!
Sixtine <3.
oh great i love black
ReplyDeletehappy weekend
I love its black baggy pants!! :)
I like the dresses, but the collection as a whole is quite boring. I would have expected a bit more from the Olsen twins. Maybe they're saving the surprises for later!
♥ cute blog ♥
ReplyDeleteTu as raison, ce n'est pas exceptionnel, il manque quelquechose, de l'originalite? un detail qui change tout? j'adore leur style aussi mais je crois qu'en tant que fashion designers elles ont encore du chemin a faire...
ReplyDeleteMargaux - BORO
C'est vrai que leur pièce n'ont pas vraiment l'air originales ni très innovantes. Il manque un petit quelque chose pour twister tout ça...
ReplyDeleteThe girls seem to be in a dark mood, but independent of the colour, the clothes are looking pretty cool! xoxo
ReplyDeleteactually I think the same as you
ReplyDeleteI expected a bit more from mk and ashley,
these pieces are great, but the whole collection itself was too black
I love that white dress you've posted, it's gorgeous
hope you're having a nice weekend
♥ Marley
i would kill for that last coat. and i love all their meshy sleeves... ah, i loved this collection. hands down awesome.
La simplicité c'est la beauté je dirai. J'aime bien la collection Olsen mais c'est vrai qu'on attendrait quand même un truc plus " ouf". Le nom de on blog est juste extra ;D
ReplyDeletei agree, i think simple is the chicest and i loove black! its classy and sophisticated but with a little edge.
ReplyDeleteI realize that The Row's clothing is really simple, but I think it's supposed to be more about tailoring and fit as opposed to trends. I like their Elizabeth and James line as well, i think it has a bit more character and usually features some more fashion forward pieces.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is great darling, and I absoulutely adore these two.. they should be praised over and over.
Elizabeth and James is more my speed but I do love that little white dress!
ReplyDeleteI think you are right, each black piece in their collection is gorgeous but it doesn't do it justice styled as it is.
ReplyDeleteI love the Olsens, but fashion designers without much experience have a hard time pairing things to where they are aesthetically pleasing, I think its an eye that comes with time.
I love your blog, you know really much about fashion!!
ReplyDelete look at mine blog please:)
Love it! Really surprised.. clasic and stylish!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your lovely comment :)
ça passe, mais en effet je pense que les tenues manquent quelque chose...
ReplyDeleteamazing post x